
Stylized art of a character with a big head and small body proportions.

sketch - $15
flat color - $35
full render - $55


Art of a character with no color, sketchy lines, and a white/off-white background.

Bust - $25
Half-Body - $30
Full-Body - $40

Colored Sketch

Art of a character with sketchy lines, flat colors with limited shading, and a simple background.

Bust - $30
Half-Body - $45
Full-Body - $70

Full Render

Character art with clean lines, fully shaded colors, and a background ranging in different levels of complexity.

Bust - $50
Half-Body - $110
Full-Body - $225

Additional Characters - 75% of the first character commission
(e.g. = 2 character busts full renders : $37.50 + $50 = $87.50)

prices susceptible to change based on complexity of commission


General Information

Commissions are done digitally. PNGs will be provided at 300dpi via email. Total time spent per commission will vary. Pricing and payments will be discussed before work is started on the commission. Commissions are first come, first serve, but completion is fluid and based on commission complexities.
The artist reserves the right to refuse any commissions and/or requests.

Be prepared to provide any and all reference images that will be relevant to the commission at the time of request: character references, poses, backgrounds, color palettes, etc. Written descriptions of characters and/or backgrounds will not be accepted unless commissioned for character creation.
Time for commissions vary and are done at the artist's pace. Commissions will be processed in the order received, from oldest to most recent. Depending on the difficulty of the project, more than one commission may be worked on simultaneously. Because of this, less complex commissions may be completed before more complex ones.
If you would like to set up a deadline for your commission, please give the artist two weeks in advance notice. Deadlines are always up for negotiation before and during the commission period, but the final deadline date decided upon must be at least two weeks after negotiations end.Revisions
There may be several times the artist is in contact with the commissioner in order to fully achieve the commissioner's request. Revisions may occur during these periods, and are requested by the artist. Upon each confirmation per progress report, the artist will continue with the commission. After the commission reaches its final stages of progress, the artist will not redraw large portions - more than 1/3rd - of the illustration.

Payment, Cancellations, and Refunds

Payments will be purely handled by Paypal invoice. Prices are in USD. Payments are made upfront and progress will not start until payment has been processed and confirmed.
Cancellation and Refunds
The artist has the right to cancel the client's commission for any reason. The client may contact the artist to cancel their commission for any reason. Upon cancellation by either party, a refund will be processed via Paypal and progress on the commission may be halted indefinitely. If progress on the commission is significant (more than half of the commission is complete as defined by the artist) refunds will be processed at half the original price.


The artist retains all rights to their art. The artist may upload the commission to any online platform at any point during and/or after the commission has been completed.Upon receving the commission, clients are allowed to:
Display and/or use the commission for personal/home use, Display and/or use the commission for social media use, give the commission as a gift, and/or Repost the commission with proper credit to the artist.
Upon receiving the commission, clients are not allowed to:
Claim the commission artwork as created by themselves, sell the commission in any form of physical and/or digital merchandise, and/or trace the commission to later post online.
Breach of any of these policies will result in an immediate blacklist

Commissioning me implies you have read and agreed to the current Terms of Service.

Terms of Service last updated on January 28th, 2022

Contact me

Feel free to reach me via email or VGen!

Email: [email protected]